African Food Stuff

frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions. Before contacting us, be sure to check if your questions are answered here.

African Food Stuff is the best option for your home or business use. We offer price and size-friendly bulk options to stock up your home or run a business with. We are also a great supply source if you are a business user offering catering services or running and African food store.

We carry various quality organic products such as:


  • Ogbono – Bush mango seeds
  • Egusi – Melon seeds
  • Dried Hot – Cameroon Pepper
  • Dried Fish – Mangala
  • Dried vegetables – Ukazi – Uziza
  • Pepper Soup Ingredients
  • Spices – Ehuru- Effirin -Uda
  • Seasonings – Ogiri – Ugba
  • And more

Our items are packed in 2lbs, 5lbs and 10lbs bags. These sizes make it use-friendly for both home and business buyers. 

Even if you don’t cook a whole lot, you’ll still find our size-friendly bulk options useful. Here’s why:

Some condiments and spices are used in more quantities than others when you cook. For example, weight-wise, you use more Egusi than crayfish when making Egusi soup. This means that while a 2-pound bag of Crayfish can last longer because less quantity is used each time, a 2-pound bag of Egusi can go quicker since you add more of it when cooking. So bulk means different things when it comes to products.

Don’t forget that it’s smart to team up with friends to buy at better pricing and share.

We know you want your purchased condiments and spices as soon  as possible so you can make that delicious food everyone is waiting for. That’s why we offer 3 different shipping speed options by the United States Postal Service (USPS): Ground, Priority Mail and Priority Express Mail. This way, you can choose what speed works best for you.


The following shipping speed estimates were pulled from the website of the United States Postal Service:

Ground: could be anything between 2 to 8 days.

Priority Mail:  usually between 1 to 3 business days (depending on start and end locations).

Priority Mail Express: Overnight to 2-Day (delivers 7 days, 365 days a year, with limited exceptions.)


Please note that, once shipped, delivery time is under the control and responsibility of the United States Postal Service and, therefore, outside our control.

We understand that shipping cost is usually a concern for the average buyer. That’s why we are addressing it here.

We strive to get you great shipping pricing. It actually works better for us because you will feel good about your purchase.  To make this possible, we entered into partnerships that enable us bring you great, price-friendly shipping discounts directly from the United States Postal Service. We DO NOT make any money from shipping. The shipping cost you see at Check-Out is pulled from the United States Postal Service (USPS) system using technology and displayed in real time.  

We ship from within the United States. 

We ship to addresses within the United States.

This is a subject important to us. We source locally from various parts of Africa so as to benefit those whose efforts grow or produce the food we eat. It is our passion to support the growth of our farming communities.

Absolutely. We are committed to helping our farming communities grow. This encourages them and helps Africa. If you are a farmer or supplier, click on the following link to partner with us.